A WALTON care home opened its doors to welcome school children to an Olympic-themed day ahead of Paris 2024.

Children from Hamford Primary School and residents at Walton’s Luff House joined in with sporty activities as part of the run-up to the Paris Olympics.

Activities included ‘guess the Olympic sport', a ball passing relay, shotputs into nets, and throwing balls into targets, before doing an Olympics-themed fitness session.

Hamford pupil Arthur said: “It was fun to do sports with the older people”.

“My favourite was probably the football.”

Olympics - Children from Hamford Primary School at Luff House as part of the Olympics-themed dayOlympics - Children from Hamford Primary School at Luff House as part of the Olympics-themed day (Image: Submitted)

Pam, one of Luff House’s residents, said she was a fan of tennis and Wimbledon after her parents met on a tennis court and added: “It’s been a lovely day chatting to some of the children.

“I didn’t get to know elderly people when I was young, and I think it’s quite a good idea that they find that they are still people.”

Fellow resident Leslie went to school in Lawford and played volleyball for Essex.

He visited Harlow last year to watch volleyball with his wife after his daughter gave them tickets.

Another resident, Shirley, said she enjoyed being around the children after working in a paediatric clinic for 20 years, as well as reminiscing about her past playing netball.

She said: “I’m small - not too good at the goal shooting really.

"Well, I could do it, but I liked to play centre. I didn’t have to shoot then.”