A community is mourning the death of a singer who raised hundreds of pounds for charity. 

Keith Albert Clark, 74, from Holland on Sea, sadly passed away following a performance for the Parkinson’s Society in Holland on Sea’s public hall. 

After he had finished his set on June 11, he very unexpectedly collapsed and medics were unable to save him. 

Mr Clark was using his magnificent voice to bring joy to care homes in the area and hosted 284 gigs, as well as numerous performances for charities such as the Stroke Society, CVST, the Parkinson’s Society and bereavement clubs. 

Family - Keith Albert Clark with his family on a day out in London, left to right his daughter Georgette Purdey, grandson James Purdey, Keith Clark, granddaughter Harriet Purdey and his wife Laraine ClarkFamily - Keith Albert Clark with his family on a day out in London, left to right his daughter Georgette Purdey, grandson James Purdey, Keith Clark, granddaughter Harriet Purdey and his wife Laraine Clark (Image: Georgette Purdey)

He was also no stranger to the stages of beach bars and the annual Christmas singing for the Clacton Town Partnership. 

Over time, he was able to raise £955 for the Salvation Army. 

His daughter Georgette Purdey said:  “Dad was a special man - so kind to those he  loved and also the wider community. He used his love of singing and music to spread much joy to local people.  

“He bought so much joy to many people locally and he will be sorely missed. 

Laraine Clark, his wife, added: " Keith was big- hearted and kind till the end."