Flower Club
THE recent Flower Club meeting was the annual meeting which was quite well attended. Linda Wisdom is the new chairman, and Terence Towns is now the president. The committee members will continue as before. After the business part of the meeting, the members were entertained by Terence and his friends, with a musical interlude.

The next meeting is on February 15, the competition that evening is called Step into Spring, visitors are very welcome.

Gunfleet WI
FOR the first meeting of 2011, subscriptions were collected. Area gave out dates, county meeting March 11, at Colchester, half year meeting October 8, at Chelmsford. Brenda will be our delegate. There is a lunch party on February 18, at McGrigor Hall.

The resolutions were discussed for the national annual meeting at Liverpool in June. The winners of the yearly competition were; silver tram by Marion, rose bowl by Chris, vase by Jan.