Flower Club.

THE club had a very successful supper evening on Nov 18. The supper was cooked by Terence and served by members of the committee. A quiz followed which gave everyone much enjoyment. Small prizes were given to the winning team. The next meeting is our anniversary luncheon on December 5 at the Martello Camp. Nick Grounds will be demonstrating.

All Saints Mothers Union.

MEMBERS were welcomed to the meeting on November 25. After a hymn and prayers Pauline Griggs and Jean Turner told members about hymns and their composers, then Pauline played the hymns for members to sing.

The Christmas anthology will be held on December 16 at 2.30pm.

Good Companions.

THE monthly meeting took place at the YMCA on November 26. Chairperson, Joan Pyle, introduced Jerry Russell who showed beautiful slides and spoke about a trip around the Backwaters.

The next meeting is the Christmas party on December 10.