HARWICH’S Cliff Park could get one of five new all-weather pitches.

Five ‘PlayZones’ – floodlit multi-use facilities used for football and other sports – have been identified by Tendring Council.

Tendring is bidding for cash through the Football Foundation PlayZone programme to set up facilities at Walton's Bath House Meadow, Clacton Leisure Centre, Lower Park Road in Brightlingsea, and the Crossways Recreation ground in Jaywick.

The list also includes Cliff Park in Dovercourt, which is land managed by Harwich Town Council and currently used for pitch and putt.

Consultation - A public consultation on the PlayZones ended on October 14Consultation - A public consultation on the PlayZones ended on October 14 (Image: TDC) Tendring Council cabinet leisure boss Mick Barry said: “The proposed PlayZones are part of our new sports and leisure strategy commitment to enhancing community facilities and promoting active lifestyles.

“A public consultation into the proposed development of five of the multi-use games areas across the district closed on October 14.

“The council is currently working towards a funding bid to the Football Foundation at the end of the year."

Mr Barry added: “If successful, a report will go to the council’s cabinet early in the new year, which will set out the consultation responses and the financial implications.

“We are working in partnership with the Football Foundation and other partners to identify potential locations across the district, which will be subject to further community engagement and consultation across the next two or three years. Playzones in the district are subject to future external funding.”

Harwich Town Council previously expressed interest for having a PlayZone in Low Road but that site was rejected.

Harwich councillor Garry Calver said Cliff Park being identified for a PlayZone was "great news."

The town council voted to register its interest over the Cliff Park PlayZone with Tendring Council.