A NEW mum says she is "beyond grateful" to the incredible staff at Colchester Hospital after the birth of her daughter turned into one of the most "terrifying experiences" of her life.

Sarah-Rose James, 35, welcomed baby Primrose after a 40-week check-in scan that raised concerns for her baby’s static growth.

She was rushed to the hospital, in Turner Road, amid concerns for a lack of movement from her unborn baby. 

“I was sent to see a doctor in the hospital within the triage to talk about an induction,” Sarah said.

“It was all quite scary; I’d planned for a water birth and was very particular about my birthing plan – I had all my ducks in a row.

“I suffer from health anxiety so having a fixed plan really settled me, this threw a huge spanner in the works.”

Sarah began an induction process at the hospital, which took two days.

“It was so intense, and my body wasn’t making any progress,” she added.

“It wasn’t anything anybody had done; my body just didn’t want to go into labour.

“Throughout that whole process the staff were completely rushed off their feet.

“My midwife Elane was dealing with so many patients but every time she came and saw me, she made me feel like the only concern.

 “I had so many questions because I was so scared, and she was so patient and took her time, she didn’t rush me, didn’t make me feel like number or a name on a list."

On the Saturday, Sarah was examined and given the opportunity to take a break from the process to visit her mum, Maria.

“My husband, Josef, and I travelled to my mum’s that day,” Sarah said.

“I don’t know if it was being at my mum’s and being relaxed that helped, but as soon as I walked into her house my waters broke.”

The couple ventured straight back to the hospital, with Sarah experiencing intense and regular contractions.

“We thought it was all going to plan, but then an hour or so later all the contraction started to stop,” she said.

“Because my waters had broken, the staff made it clear that the baby must be born within 24 hours.

“Holly from the labour ward staff took me to the ward and she was just incredible.

“She went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable in such a scary situation.

“14 hours later, after a very long active labour, I went in for forceps delivery.”

But during her labour, Sarah’s surgery took a dramatic turn when she began to lose blood.

She believes she lost 2.5 litres in total.

She said: “For them, they see this a lot more regularly but for me it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.

“When they asked my husband to leave the room I was thinking ‘am I going to see him or my baby again?’

“Dale, the lead midwife, was incredible.

“He has such a calming energy, and he kept me calm throughout the whole process.

“Everyone was rushed off their feet, but they never made us feel like a burden.”

After a traumatic experience, Sarah and Josef’s new bundle of joy, Primrose, was born.

The couple are "beyond grateful" to all the hospital’s staff, who were "remarkable" in such a difficult situation.

“I still hold a bit of trauma from that experience, but staff responded so quickly and were so engaged,” Sarah said.

“At no point were we forgotten.

“I just think they’re remarkable, considering how much rubbish they’re dealt and how quick people are to complain about wait times and appointments – they really are working their hardest.

“The care hasn’t stopped even after the birthing experience, I had to go in for recovery and stay for a few days after birth.

“They all made sure I was okay throughout blood transfusions and made sure to check on mine and my baby’s wellbeing – I felt safe.

“I can’t speak highly enough about them - it was meant to be an amazing and special experience, and it also turned out to be one of the scariest.

“They’re still supporting me now with my health anxiety and recovering - I think they’re amazing.”