A Kirby Cross schoolboy is set to continue volunteering at a charity shop after completing his Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Callum Reed, 15, started volunteering at the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) store in Connaught Avenue, Frinton, earlier this year.

The Tendring Technology College pupil initially began helping out every Tuesday as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award.

But having completed the volunteering section, he has vowed to continue working at the shop after school once a week.

Callum said: "It’s something I really enjoy.

"Everyone has been friendly, and I knew early on that I wanted to keep helping out after completing the volunteering section of my Duke of Edinburgh Award.

"I like doing something useful and productive with my time, supporting such a great charity.

"However, I also feel I get a lot from it personally.

"Sometimes I lack confidence, and this is a way of building my social skills, by talking to different people of all ages.

"It’s giving me important life skills that will hopefully help in the future, and it’s also a nice thing to put on my CV."

Callum, who is a keen footballer and tennis player, was recommended the role by a friend's mum and quickly took to it.

His passion has even inspired 14-year-old sister Sophie to join the team.

He said: "It’s definitely something I’d recommend to other young people or anyone with some spare time.

"I’m sure they’d enjoy it and find it rewarding."

Shop manager Lorraine Ingold said: "Callum’s such a lovely lad and he’s been a real asset in the months he’s been helping here.

"He’s flourished and it’s been lovely to see his confidence grow.

"Hopefully he and his family are very proud.

"He’s also a great example to others, and we’d be so pleased to welcome other young people who might be interested in volunteering.

"It’s a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and find out more about charity retail, while doing something fun and rewarding to support EACH."

For more information about EACH, email Lorraine at Lorraine.Ingold@each.org.uk or call 01255 440848.