A COLCHESTER community driver has won an award as a part of a countywide competition. 

Kim Fletcher, who works for Community360, was nominated for his incredible support in transporting a patient, an asylum seeker with tuberculosis, to hospital for daily treatment.

He won the Unsung Hero award at the Can Do Health and Care Awards 2024 for his outstanding contribution to the community.

Kim supported the individual during weekends, introduced them to food banks, and helped with daily life, transforming their relationship into a genuine friendship.

The patient has now successfully completed their treatment.

Kim said: "I’m truly honoured to have received this award, but I have to say, the real reward has been witnessing the positive changes in this person’s life.

"Working with Community360 is so much more than just showing up - it's about seeing people for who they are and supporting them in any way you can.

“This was a tough situation, but by building trust and helping out wherever I could, I saw someone regain their health and confidence.

"It’s a reminder of how a little compassion can go a long way. To see this person not only get better but thrive - well, that’s what makes it all worthwhile."

Tracy Rudling, Chief Executive Of Community360, praised Kim for his compassion.

She said: "Kim is a wonderful member of our team, and we are incredibly proud of him for winning this award - he truly deserves it.

"His dedication and compassion have made a real difference, not only to this patient but to many others in our community."