Plans for a new education site for adults and children with learning disabilities in Clacton have been unveiled

Sailship Training and Learning for Life offers training and learning opportunities in north-east Essex. 

The charity has now applied to build two mobile homes and two log cabins at the Rush Green allotments in Fairclough Avenue, Clacton. 

They would be used as classroom space for the charity’s conservation ecology education project and complementary therapies for mental and physical health. 

To be cost-effective, the charity wants to use mobile homes which are not in use anymore. 

The planning application says: “Due to our charity being only a small charity we have limited funds to expand our site so the reason for putting ex-holiday mobile homes in is purely as they offer us a 'ready to go with only minor modifications' cost-effective solution to our need of new buildings.  

“We would ideally love to have the extra buildings as log cabins but the cost of buying them, insulating them, roofing them and adding services makes them too expensive for our budget.  

“We will clad the ex-holiday mobile homes, as per other previously agreed vans, to resemble wooden cabins.” 

Tendring Council’s planning department will decide on the application.