Over the last couple of weeks, I have received many emails from you about the Government’s plan to take away the Winter Fuel Allowance.

Research by my team in Parliament suggests that Clacton could be the third worst affected constituency in the country by Labour’s vindictive move, with as many as 25,000 pensioners affected locally.

Whilst we all understand there is huge pressure on public finances, and there are some who can afford the cut, the savings of £1.3billion that Sir Kier Starmer is looking to make on the winter fuel payment are dwarfed by the £5.4billion we are spending on housing for asylum seekers. It is clear for all to see where the priorities lie.

Despicably, local man Jim O’Dwyer, a brave 99-year-old hero who fought for our country in the Second World War, is one of the many thousands in our constituency who will be stripped of the allowance.

Jim flew 31 missions as a rear gunner on a Lancaster bomber and I am absolutely furious that he has been treated this way. I spent last week raising his situation to a national audience.

I am pleased to say that all five Reform MPs in Parliament voted against the statutory instrument that would have stopped all of this from happening, and we will continue to do the right thing.

This week, local councillors Jeff Bray, Peter Harris, Richard Everett and James Codling have put down a motion on the Winter Fuel Allowance, and are asking for Tendring Council leader Mark Stephenson to write to the Chancellor to request the Government rethinks its plans.

It also asks the cabinet to work with outside agencies to help those affected by the cut.

I support them wholeheartedly and hope they can persuade other councillors from all parties to help in any way they can to keep our pensioners warm this winter.