A group of business owners are calling on Tendring Council to ensure Clacton can prosper again. 

The Clacton Coastal Tourism Group (CCTG) was formed in March and aims to identify and address the positive and negative aspects of tourism in the seaside town.

It wants to raise the profile of local attractions and heritage, both for the benefit of residents and visitors. 

An open letter to Tendring Council, signed by group chairman and Clacton Pier owner Billy Ball, says: “We share frustrations expressed by local residents and seasonal visitors who remember the town in its heyday and when it was clean, tidy, well-kept and vibrant. 

Chairman - Billy Ball, owner of Clacton Pier, is confident about the group's workChairman - Billy Ball, owner of Clacton Pier, is confident about the group's work

“We have joined this group and given up our time to try and make a difference.

"We will work together as partners, and where possible seek to deliver positive improvements via our collaboration. 

“Ultimately, we the members, share a passion for our town and its future.

"The willingness from members of this group to work together stems from a common interest in wanting to see local tourism continue its journey of progression and regeneration.” 

The group has identified four key starting points - increasing visitor numbers, economic benefit, improving the town’s profile and perception, as well as offers. 

“We recognise that passion alone will not achieve all the changes that we believe are necessary and we are aware that funding is often the biggest challenge in delivering change,” the letter continues. 

There are also calls to improve the town centre, boost tidiness, address the issue of empty shops, and improve parking and accommodation for visitors. 

The group says: “What we hope is that this collaboration is infectious an the members of our wider community are driven to support our efforts and do their bit to help promote progress, passion and pride in their respective sectors. 

“Clacton was built as a seaside resort town, and it has always been in the premier league of such towns throughout the UK.

"Let’s work together to return it to the top of that division.” 

Councillor Ivan Henderson, Tendring District Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism, welcomed the input from the Clacton Coastal Tourism Group.

He said: “I have been pleased to be a part of the Clacton Coastal Tourism Group, and warmly welcome the collective insight its members bring along with a real sense of positivity about the bright future Clacton holds – something we share in Our Vision as a council.

“The open letter contains some brilliant, actionable points – many of which are already under consideration either by us as the council, or Clacton Town Board which is overseeing the Long Term Plan for Clacton which received a £20million government funding pledge over ten years.

“I look forward to taking forward this positive approach to shape a shining future for Clacton, working with the Tourism Group and Town Board, and hope residents and the wider business community get on board with it.”

Councillor Henderson added: “Tourism is a pivotal part of our local economy in Clacton, and Tendring more widely, and is something we take seriously – such as our own commitment to hosting the hugely successful Clacton Airshow for the next three years.”