AN abusive partner who “kicked off” when his girlfriend asked him to fit a ring doorbell was over twice the drink drive limit when police arrested him.

Bricklayer Adam Davidson was in a relationship with a woman who let him stay at her address last year because she felt sorry for him, Colchester Magistrates’ Court heard on Thursday.

The two were returning to her house from a Clacton pub in May when she asked Davidson if he could help her install a ring doorbell.

Sharon Hall, prosecuting, said: “He just kicked off.”

Alcohol - Adam Davidson told the court he has a drinking problemAlcohol - Adam Davidson told the court he has a drinking problem (Image: Pexels)

The two continued to argue and when the victim tried to leave the address, Davidson “grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back into the house.”

When she locked herself in the bathroom, Davidson then smashed up the property by damaging a mirror, a plug socket, crockery a washing up bowl, a mop bucket, and a bedroom wall.

Police arrested Davidson after a neighbour called the police, and the defendant admitted criminal damage and assault.

He was bailed on the condition he was not to contact his victim, but the two then met in a pub only weeks later, again returning to her address where they had another argument.

Davidson, who is 42 and previously worked as a bricklayer at Fisher Brickwork in Colchester, then assaulted her and split her head open.

Mrs Hall said: “She didn’t give details about the person who assaulted her but officers made enquiries and found it was Davidson.

“She said she was scared and didn’t want to ‘grass the person up’, in her words.”

The court heard how the woman “felt he was going to suffocate her” during the assault and she was later taken to Colchester Hospital where she stayed overnight.

Davidson, who had fled the scene, was later found by police in Lake Walk where he was driving whilst twice over the alcohol limit.

He later admitted further offences of assault, drink driving, and breaching bail conditions.

Davidson was not represented at court and told magistrates: “I’m not a bad person but alcohol has led me to this.

Offence - a breath test showed Adam Davidson had 89mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath, which is more than twice the legal limitOffence - a breath test showed Adam Davidson had 89mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath, which is more than twice the legal limit (Image: Newsquest)

“I need to get help with drinking.”

Davidson was given a 14-week prison sentence suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 20 rehabilitation requirement days and a six-month alcohol treatment requirement.

He was also disqualified from driving for 22 months and ordered to pay £324 in costs.