A CRIME-FIGHTING initiative is set to mark the third anniversary of a food and welfare scheme – set up with stores to curb shoplifting.

Clacton’s Counter Crime Partnership (CCP) is a town-link radio scheme which brings together almost 60 businesses to prevent and detect retail crime.

Founder Scott Pepper said it might seem “counterintuitive” to give out items for free to people who might have otherwise stolen them.

He said: “In my opinion, most shoplifting in Clacton is carried out by the same addiction-driven people and as we all know, there is very little consequence for them if reported to the police, so we recommend a prevention is better than cure approach.

“The main preventative of course being the shops talking with each other using CCP radio and turning offenders away at the door. The fact that CCP also has positive interactions with the shoplifters softens that blow a bit.”

Preventative - The idea is that welfare and food items given out will reduce shoplifting Preventative - The idea is that welfare and food items given out will reduce shoplifting (Image: CCP)

The Clacton Free Food and Welfare scheme was launched in December 2021 and for the first two years operated only at Christmas.

Since 2024 it has become weekly, with some shops taking deliveries of food and welfare items, such as deodorant, soap and shower gel which have damaged packaging so cannot be displayed on the shelves for sale, or food past its 'best by' date.

The partnership arranges to collect items and distribute them, and work regularly with several shops, including Farms Foods, who give products away to various organisations.

Founder - Scott Pepper founder of the CCPFounder - Scott Pepper founder of the CCP (Image: CCP)

CPP is also launching a new 'pub-link' scheme which would see pubs, bars, and restaurants in Clacton, Jaywick, and Holland-on-Sea join a radio scheme.

Free membership will give members access to measures approved by the National Association of Business Crime Partnerships, which the CCP is part of.

While in June, the CPP launched a ‘banned from one, banned from all' scheme to help fight retail crime, with shoplifting deterrence stickers at retail entrances.

To find out more about CCP visit their Facebook page or email controlroom@countercrimepartnership.uk.