SHOPPERS flocked to Home Bargains new store at Lightship Way to get a first glimpse as the shop opened at 8am this morning.

With some arriving as early as 7am, many were excited to roam the aisles and take a look inside the versatile new store.

Queue - Many were waiting to enter at 8amQueue - Many were waiting to enter at 8am (Image: Credited)

Chris Adams was right at the front of the queue waiting to enter, he said: “I turned up just before 7:30am this morning.

“With such a big store, a garden centre and a café I’m excited to see what it’s like.

“I’ve come from Mersea Road, I was going to get the bus but with the weather I decided against it.”

Excited - Chris Adams arrived early to see what the store has to offerExcited - Chris Adams arrived early to see what the store has to offer (Image: Credited)

The garden centre inside the new Home Bargains is the biggest one the company has, as well as the café.

When in the garden centre area, I spoke with Jean Paul, who lives in Old Heath. Jean said: “I usually shop at the Turner Rise store, I love Home Bargains.

“I prefer Home Bargains to the point where I will actually travel to Home Bargains at different locations.

Smiles - Keen gardener Jean Paul was enjoying taking a first look aroundSmiles - Keen gardener Jean Paul was enjoying taking a first look around (Image: Credited)

“It’s a very nice store and I love gardening so I don’t mind that it’s raining right now, whilst I’m out here having a look.”

Store manager, Leanne Strike spoke of the people who were waiting to enter. Leanne said: “It’s unbelievable, we knew it would be a big hit, but to see all these people queue up is an amazing feeling.

“Seeing everything now come together, it’s been a long process but seeing everyone come in, I can’t wait for them to see the shop.”

Team - Home Bargains staff smiled as they marked the opening of the new storeTeam - Home Bargains staff smiled as they marked the opening of the new store (Image: Credited)

Sadie Coe from Reed in Partnership, worked closely with Home Bargains in recruiting staff, she said: “Our job is basically to get local people into local work and we helped with all their inductions and helped out interviews for people that are unemployed.

“One of the things that came through when we were doing the inductions and the interviews was that management realised people might not be able to do the full time hours.

Packed - Many came to see the new store and what they could findPacked - Many came to see the new store and what they could find (Image: Credited)

“They were able to be flexible for those who may be single parents or have other commitments."

The shop has created around 110 jobs in total and situated in such a great location will no doubt continue to bring in shoppers.