A FUNDRAISER has been launched to help the family of a little girl undergoing treatment after being diagnosed with a type of cancer. 

Olivia Brown, four, was diagnosed with high-risk medulloblastoma which spread to her spine in June this year.

Asleep - Olivia asleep after cancer treatmentAsleep - Olivia asleep after cancer treatment (Image: Holly Brown)

The young girl's treatment involves plenty of trips to London and Cambridge which makes it difficult to find care for her other three children. 

The family have set up a fundraiser, with all money going towards extra accommodation for Olivia's siblings and grandmother as well as parking, train fares to London and food and activities while there.

Holly Brown, Olivia's mother, said: "It’s been extremely difficult having the four children and having to go to hospital for long periods at a time.

"She’s had tests and small operations and there is only my mum to look after the other three children which is a struggle for her.

"My car had broken down on the way to one of Olivia’s appointments at one point and I didn’t have the money to fix it which made things even harder.

"My mum then had to take us to treatment but there were not enough seats in her car for all of us and there was no one else to have the younger children so the eldest had to go to her other nan's which meant her taking time off work."

Love - Olivia and her mum HollyLove - Olivia and her mum Holly (Image: Holly Brown)

Holly said: "Olivia can get quite emotional and have meltdowns because she is struggling to process what is happening to her obviously as she’s only four.

"My other children really miss us when we are away and the next long treatment is her radiotherapy which will take six weeks at the University College Hospital London.

"They are providing accommodation for me and Olivia but not the other children and my mum so we are desperately trying to work out how we will be able to at least see each other during that time."

Happy - Olivia smiling in bedHappy - Olivia smiling in bed (Image: Holly Brown) Olivia's next treatment will be six weeks of radiotherapy in London near the end of August. 

To donate go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-keep-the-family-together-while-olivia-beats-cancer?qid=811ebb54851465accce27b763c31dec7 or search 'Help keep the family together while Olivia beats Cancer!' on gofundme.com.