BUSH fire was put out earlier in Jaywick which saw firefighters from Weeley station tackle the blaze.

The incident happened at Morris Avenue, Jaywick. On arrival, crews reporting that an area measuring around 20 metres of long grass and bushes were alight on fire on the beach.

Crews worked to prevent the fire spreading and extinguished it by 6.05pm. 

Crew Manager Kristian Butcher said: “I’d like to say a big thank you to the members of public who helped us during the incident, they helped reel out the hoses and supplied us with cold drinks. 

“In this hot and dry weather, it only takes an ember to start a fire so we’d urge the public to be extra cautious this summer.

"Avoid having bonfires or disposable BBQs, stub out all cigarettes properly before discarding of them, take any litter home with you if you can’t find a bin.”