A HEROIC Jaywick councillor has described the moment he helped “pull people to safety” during a fire.

Fire crews attended the scene of a blaze in Beach Way, Jaywick, which affected ten properties.

The fire was out by 4.30pm and saw the village come together to help those affected and those involved in the incident. 

Aftermath - the homes after the fire Aftermath - the homes after the fire (Image: Bradley Thompson)

Jaywick councillor Bradley Thompson was on the scene of the fire helping firefighters get people out of their homes.

Bradley says he helped to save many people and animals from the blaze as it raged down the road.

Read more: Jaywick fire leaves three homes destroyed and seven damaged

He said: "We had to bang on doors and one man didn't want to leave his dogs in his house so we had to help get them out while the fire was all around us.

"We had to carry the dogs and pass them over the fences.

Screen - the thick grey and black smokeScreen - the thick grey and black smoke (Image: Bradley Thompson)

"There was really thick black smoke and we couldn't see your hands and the heat was unbearable.

"Four of us managed to get people out of the houses and we brought seven dogs and some people out.

"Then we had to evacuate the road with police and firemen.

"It really was down to the fire brigade, I know I helped but I wasn't the only one. Lots of people helped out."

Saviour - Bradley Thompson by an ambulance after helping people out of their homes Saviour - Bradley Thompson by an ambulance after helping people out of their homes (Image: Bradley Thompson)

Bradley thanked emergency services and was 'shocked' at the damage the fire has caused.

He said: "It's absolutely devastating that people have now been left homeless and I'm really shocked.

"I'm so grateful for the fire service, police and ambulances for how quickly they all got there and how they dealt with the situation and stopped it from spreading further.

"It could've been a lot worse and a lot bigger so thank you to the emergency services."

Bradley added: "There is a fire investigation team there now.

"The abandoned building was on fire when I got there and it took off and swept through the street.

"I got a call from a resident and I was on the scene within two minutes and started pulling people out and to safety."

Flames - the fire in full swingFlames - the fire in full swing (Image: Keeley Davidson)

Bradley said lots of homes had been impacted. 

He said: "There was another house which was not occupied and that has been burnt to the ground.

"There is also another house's roof which has gone in and they have lost everything.

"The houses opposite have had doors and windows melted before the fire jumped to the next road."

Hero - Bradley Thompson with an oxygen mask on Hero - Bradley Thompson with an oxygen mask on (Image: Bradley Thompson)

Paramedics had to put Bradley and the people who helped him on oxygen after they inhaled smoke.

He said: "Lucky no one has lost their life that I know of - no one has been injured except for one man who got a cut on his hand.

"Me, Aaron, Peter and Andrew all had to go on oxygen as we helped to get people out."