A WOMAN living next to homes which caught fire in Jaywick this morning is waiting to find out if she will be made homeless. 

Fire crews attended the scene of a fire in Beach Way, Jaywick, to put out a blaze which reportedly affected 'ten properties'. 

It saw six fire crews and at least two fire engines on the scene. 

Fire - the house in a blazeFire - the house in a blaze (Image: Keeley Davidson)

Sarah Power, 53, who lives opposite the house which burst into flames woke up to find the homes on fire. 

She said: "I woke up and thought my house was on fire. I saw smoke in the front room and my partner smelt something.

"We saw the house opposite on fire luckily it's empty as she recently passed away."

Residents believe it could have started from a bin fire.

Sarah had to evacuate her two puppies and two adult dogs, Baby, Blue, Chapo and Kyza, to keep them safe. 

Saved - the dogs a safe distance away from the blaze Saved - the dogs a safe distance away from the blaze (Image: Claudia Bradley)

She said: "One of my dogs is pregnant and they are all very stressed."

She added: "I'm most worried about losing all my belongings and my home for my partner and my dogs: getting a house for four dogs is difficult.

"I just hope they save my house, I really do."

The whole community came together to support each other. 

She continues: "A lady just got cold towels to put on my dogs. Everyone pulls together and I’ve never lived in a place like it.

"I’ll be gutted to lose the house because I’ll also lose the community.

"Doors are always open, all the kids play on the street till late at night and they’re all safe. Everyone will pull together to help."

She then spoke about the homeowner of the house fire.

"This is her second house fire she’s had not of her fault, I feel sorry for her." she said.