Plans to build a five-storey block of flats in Clacton’s town centre have been called “a potential crime generator” as council bosses ruled them "unsupportable".

Blueprints outlined demolishing a building in Jackson Road to make way for more than 20 flats. 

AJV Developments filed an application for a new, five-storey building with accommodation and commercial units. 

Plans included two commercial units and 21 flats, with private amenity areas and cycle storage in what would be car-free accommodation. 

A total of ten one-bedroom flats and 11 two-bedroom flats are included in the plans. 

In a statement, the developer said: “The proposal will deliver a range of high-quality housing within the proposed mixed-use scheme in the town centre.

"This scheme will include a sustainable and viable affordable housing provision as well.” 

However, planning bosses have said they are “unable to support the application in its current form”. 

They said: “The description of the outline application submitted specifying the number of commercial units, number of storeys and number of residential units hinders the acceptability of the application.  

“The application is essentially too descriptive to achieve an ‘in principle’ outline permission for mixed use development on the site.  

“Due to the local plan designations and constraints of the site, we cannot support the loss or reduction in commercial space, and our Economic Growth Team object on this basis.” 

Essex Police also criticised the plans, saying: “We are mindful to object to this application based upon our opinion that this is poor design and will have a detrimental impact on crime, perception of crime and health and wellbeing of the residents.” 

Their points of criticism were the lack of clear definitions between public and private spaces, and a lack of natural or informal surveillance, which could potentially turn a dead-end alley into “a potential crime and antisocial behaviour generator”. 

The developer has been urged to withdraw the application and make a pre-application enquiry with alternative options for planning officers to consider.