A THUG who was confronted for leaving his car on the pavement tried to run over the man who criticised his poor parking – then stabbed him twice with a six-inch carving knife.

Murat Sanci launched a brutal attack on Gary Walsh in Walton High Street last February after Mr Walsh told him, “pavements are meant for people and roads are meant for cars”.

Sanci responded saying he would "****ing patch" Mr Walsh, who walked away.

As he did so, Sanci ran into a barber shop he worked at, then re-emerged and got into his Peugeot before accelerating along the pavement towards Mr Walsh.

Court – Recorder Richard Christie did not accept the defence's arguments that Murat Sanci had reduced culpability because of his low IQCourt – Recorder Richard Christie did not accept the defence's arguments that Murat Sanci had reduced culpability because of his low IQ (Image: Daniel Rees, Newsquest)

He nicked him and crashed into a bus stop, then climbed out of the car brandishing a six-inch knife which he used to stab Mr Walsh in the back and chest.

Sanci, 22, went back to his Peugeot and tried to restart the car, but gave up and fled the scene while trying to conceal the carving knife.

He changed his mind and returned to the scene where he was arrested by PC Mark Stonebank.

Sanci later admitted one charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of a knife.

He appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court via video link from Chelmsford Prison for sentencing on Friday.

Mark Halsey, prosecuting, said: “It was not a spontaneous incident – he decided to choose to stab the victim.”

In his victim impact statement, Mr Walsh said: “Since the incident, I have been suffering from flashbacks regularly.

“I find myself back at the incident laying on the floor with my injuries – I constantly replay the incident over and over in my head.

“I worked six-day weeks as a lorry driver but I am now unable to work due to discomfort down the left side of my torso and I can’t lift anything.”

Apology – defence counsel Kimberley Aiken said Murat Sanci wanted to apologise to his victim Apology – defence counsel Kimberley Aiken said Murat Sanci wanted to apologise to his victim (Image: Essex Police)

The court heard Sanci had previous convictions for battery and assaulting an emergency worker.

Kimberley Aiken, mitigating, said Sanci reacted to what he thought was Mr Walsh’s use of a racial slur, but Recorder Richard Christie KC said Sanci “misinterpreted” what was said.

Sanci, of Oldbury Road, Enfield, was sentenced to five years and nine months in prison and will serve a further two years on licence upon his release.