Clacton’s MP Nigel Farage has commented on the recent unrests in Southport after three girls were fatally stabbed. 

Mr Farage turned to the public in a social media video, where he spoke about the “horror” in Merseyside. 

He said: “Well, it is pretty horrendous that the third young girl has died as a result of the stabbings yesterday in Southport. 

“I know the Prime Minister went to lay flowers and was heckled, and it shows you how unhappy the public are with the state of law and order in our country. 

“I have to say there are one or two questions. Was this guy being monitored by the security services?" 

Mr Farage voiced his doubts after police in Southport declared the incident was not terrorism-related. 

“The police say it’s a non-terror incident," he said.

"Just as they said the stabbing of an army colonel in uniform on the streets of Kent the other day, was a non-terror incident. 

“I just wonder, whether the truth is being withheld from us. I don’t know the answer to that but I think it is a fair and legitimate question. 

“What I do know is something is going horribly wrong in our once beautiful country.“ 

The Reform leader also commented on the disturbances in Southend after videos of crowds running across the seafront and several people wielding “large knives” circulated on social media. 

Commenting on a video, Mr Farage said: “Our country is being destroyed, our values trashed and the public on the point of revolt.”