A COUNCIL-run cemetery has continued to be criticised after graves became hidden in overgrown grass. 

Clacton Cemetery, on Burrs Road, is one of four cemeteries that are the responsibility of Tendring Council (TDC).

Richard Johnston, 68, has now spoken out about his experience visiting his in-laws' graves in June at Burrs Road cemetery, when he found long grass covering all the graves.

Mr Johnston said the site manager told him it had been six weeks since the cemetery grass had been mown due to “adverse weather”.

He says he was also told a mower costing "over £60,000” was broken because it had gone over broken glass hidden in the long grass.

Cost - Richard Johnston was told a lawn mower costing over £60k was broken due to broke glass in the hard-to-see too long grassCost - Richard Johnston was told a lawn mower costing over £60k was broken by broken glass in the long grass (Image: Submitted)

Mr Johnston said: “When I asked if others had made complaints, I was told recently a few had make complaints.

“We pay for that plot to be maintained.”

Mr Johnston said his sister-in-law has just gone to the cemetery and the grass had been cut, but had been left “strewn across the area”.

“If you have just lost somebody, and you walked in there a few weeks later, to see that would be so upsetting," he said.

"But for me, my in-laws have been there for years.

“I guarantee if it was privately maintained it would be cut”.

Council public realm boss Mick Barry said: “Grass at TDC-owned public areas around the district, including Clacton Cemetery, is cut on a schedule.

“But the particularly wet and mild weather over the past couple of months meant that grass could not be cut in the usual timely fashion."

Mr Barry added: “We have stepped up our grass-cutting programme at TDC sites and our open spaces staff have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks to catch up.

“I’m pleased to report that the grass at Clacton Cemetery was also recently cut as part of these efforts.”