Our country has so much potential, but both Labour and the Conservatives have broken promise after promise for the last 30 years.

You are worse off, both financially and culturally. Wages are stagnant, we have a housing crisis, our young people struggle to get on the property ladder, we have rising crime, energy bills are some of the highest in Europe, the NHS isn’t working, both legal and illegal immigration are at record levels and woke ideology has captured our public institutions and schools.

The Conservatives have failed and Labour will fail too. A vote for either is a vote for more incompetence, dishonesty and failure.

We are ruled by an out of touch political class who have turned their backs on our country.

Reform is the alternative.

Conservatives and Labour have failedConservatives and Labour have failed (Image: Reform UK)

Only Reform will stand up for British culture, identity and values. We will freeze immigration and stop the boats. Restore law and order. Repair our broken public services. Cut taxes to make work pay. End government waste. Slash energy bills. Unlock real economic growth.

Only Reform will take back control over our borders, our money and our laws. Only Reform will secure Britain’s future as a free, proud and rich nation.

(Image: Reform UK)

We vow to:

Freeze immigration

Freeze non-essential immigration, tax employment of foreign workers and bar student dependants.

Stop the boats

Leave the ECHR, 0 illegal immigrants to be resettled in the UK, pick up and take back migrants to France.

Deport foreign criminals

Deport foreign nationals immediately after their prison sentence ends.

No tax under £20,000

Free 7 million people from income tax and save workers £1500 per year by increasing the threshold

End NHS waiting lists

Scrap basic rate tax for ALL NHS and social care workers for 3 years. Healthcare to remain free at point of use.

If you love your country, vote with your heart. Vote Reform UK Thursday, July 4.

Web: www.reformparty.uk/

Tel:   0800 414 8525

Email:  info@reformparty.uk

Facebook:  TheReformPartyUK