New plans for the first phase of a major development of almost 1,000 homes on the outskirts of Clacton have been revealed. 

Persimmon Homes has submitted a draft plan to build the first 417 homes of a 950-house estate on the Rouses Farm site, off Jaywick Lane. 

Tendring Council’s planning committee gave permission for the development in 2018, despite residents campaigning against the project. 

The agreement had been delayed due to complex legal matters with various landlords and a new application was submitted and approved in 2022. 

Sample - A sketch of how the development could look likeSample - A sketch of how the development could look 

Now the developer has submitted a detailed outline for phases one and two of the project, during which almost half the homes could be built, including a primary school and a public open space. 

In a statement, the developer says: “The proposals would deliver a sustainable, high quality development that follows the principles established in the outline planning consent and the adopted Development Plan polices.  

“The development will provide homes to meet market and affordable needs. The public open space is in accordance with the agreed parameter plan and there will be prominent features which help to create attractive pedestrian networks.  

“The proposal is well connected to Clacton-on-Sea and will integrate well into the landscape.” 

However, residents have criticised this huge project, claiming Clacton’s infrastructure will not be able to take on such a big increase in residents. 

Peter Thorp said: “We strongly object to this over-development.

"The new suggested road would become a rat-run shortcut for Jaywick and west Clacton. 

“There are no jobs around this area, so anyone living in the estate would have to drive to work. This would add to the very bad traffic on St Johns Road.” 

There are concerns over increased traffic and accident risks. 

"It is nearly impossible for residents of St Johns Road to exit their properties,” said Mr Thorp.

"This road is a main road between several villages and Clacton. There must be a better place for development.

"Somebody will be run over crossing the road.

"There is no outside space for parking and these roads are very dangerous, this road was never designed for a tenth of the traffic that uses it.

"We strongly object to this development.” 

Tendring Council will rule on the plans.