THERE’S still time to have your say over the future of sports and leisure provision in Tendring.

A consultation was launched last month into Tendring Council’s (TDC) draft Sports and Activity Strategy.

The draft strategy sets out a five-year approach to developing and providing sport and leisure activity in the district.

Mick Barry, councillor responsible for leisure and public realm, said: “It is hoped the new strategy will provide greater opportunities for people to become active where they live, with a wider focus on community activity by supporting and facilitating local clubs, organisations and partners across the district.

“Our ambition is to work with our partners to encourage physical activity and wellbeing, helping to improve residents’ quality of life.

“We want to hear people’s view on the strategy – and there’s still time to have your say before the consultation comes to an end on Sunday, June 9.”

Subject to the consultation and funding being identified, key actions include facilitating more sports events and community facilities such as play zones and multi-use games areas, opening up cycling and walking routes and to explore providing virtual exercise classes.

To take part in the consultation and to view the draft strategy, go to