STALLHOLDERS at a seaside market which previously faced being axed say they have seen a vast improvement in the day-to-day running of the event after new owners took charge.

The Walton Forum officially signed a contract with land-owner Tendring Council for a new lease to run Walton Market back in March.

Frinton and Walton Town Council, which had run the market since 2007, decided not to renew its lease - which expired on March 30 - due to changing shopping habits.

Clacton and Frinton Gazette:

But after residents and traders launched a campaign to save the market, the Walton Forum community organisation stepped in and has since become the new leaseholder.

Since the takeover, traders at the market say they have seen an increase in customers and advertising.

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Bags - Tasha, who runs Walton Market's bag stallBags - Tasha, who runs Walton Market's bag stall (Image: Newsquest)

Tasha, the owner of the bag stall, says since the lease has been renewed there has been 'an increase' in custom.

She said: "There does seem to be a lot more people about and a lot more people willing to support us."

Simon, the owner of the garden stall who has been at the market for 13 years, added: "It has been a lot better and there has been a lot more advertising, more stalls and more people about. 

"It's a small town and the market brings people into the town and it also brings money into the shops in town so it doesn't just help us, it helps everyone."

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Greenery - Simon from the plant stallGreenery - Simon from the plant stall (Image: Walton Market)

The market also has a new day-to-day manager, Jack Race, who helps sort out stall positioning, new vendors, advertising, collects rent money and a lot more. 

He said: "Walton Forum are the leaseholders and I manage the market on behalf of the forum. 

"I am a part of the committee at the Dovercourt Market and someone needed to step up and manage this market and I was the man for the job.

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Boss - Jake Race, the manager of the marketBoss - Jake Race, the manager of the market (Image: Newsquest)

"I have done a lot of advertising on Facebook and things like that and we have now got funding so we will be getting banners, flyers and posters.

"We will also be pushing for a lot of new stalls, like recently we got the cheese stall. 

"We have really been going strength to strength from the beginning of March."

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Artisan - Enzo, owner of the new cheese and olives vanArtisan - Enzo, owner of the new cheese and olives van (Image: Newsquest)