A LOVE of science has been fostered by a Clacton primary school culminating in an exhibition showcasing pupils’ work.

Holland Park Primary School organised a range of activities across all year groups to celebrate British Science Week earlier this month.

And the youngsters' parents were then invited into the school in Holland Road last Friday to see the impressive work.

Megan Hunt, science lead at the primary school, said she was delighted with how the pupils had embraced all the projects.

She said: “We wanted to use the week to raise the profile of science even further throughout the school.

“The pupils are all very engaged in science and it gives them a great chance to work practically, both inside and outside the classroom.

“It was wonderful to showcase the pupils’ work and to invite the parents to take a look and learn more. They all seemed very impressed and proud.”

Around the theme of ‘connections’, pupils learned about Morse Code, made boats, created posters and worked together in buddy groups with older pupils supporting younger peers.