A FATHER-OF-TWO has been jailed following a vicious attack in which he kicked a retired man in the face.

Shane Errington, 29, of Coppins Road, Clacton, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm following an attack on David Potter near Pudney Woods, off St John’s Road, Clacton, on October 16.

He also admitted a charge of criminal damage after the windscreen wipers of Mr Potter’s Ford KA were damaged during a struggle.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard the incident happened after the partner of Errington’s friend had arranged to meet the victim for a drink.

Stacey-lee Holland, prosecuting, said: “She met Mr Potter and sat inside his car. They were having a drink and within a few minutes of her arriving, her partner and the defendant turned up.

“The defendant asked the complainant whether or not he would give him a lift to Tesco.

“The complainant refused and he went to drive away. However, the defendant stood in the middle of the road.”

As Mr Potter tried to get out, Errington slammed the door on the victim’s leg before kicking him into the car.

“He requested the complainant’s phone, and when refused, he punched the complainant to the head,” added Miss Holland.

“The defendant also kicked the complainant to the face, which caused him to lose balance, giving the complainant the chance to drive away.”

The victim sustained a cut to the eye and a graze to his nose.

During a police interview, Errington said the victim was “jealous” of him and a mutual friend.

Ravi Dogra, mitigating, said Errington had fallen in with the wrong crowd and problems with his former partner led to him losing his family, home and job.

Mr Dogra said Errington "has a positive side to him” and was "embarrassed" to be caught up in the criminal justice system.

Recorder Gabrielle Jan Posner sentenced Errington to 36 weeks in prison, four months and two weeks of which have already been served on remand, for the assault.

He was handed no separate penalty for the criminal damage.

Errington denies a separate racially-aggravated offence dating from 2020, for which he has opted for a trial.