LIFEBOAT volunteers performed CPR after pulling a person from the sea off Clacton.

Clacton RNLI's inshore lifeboat was launched to the aid of the person at about 8am on Wednesday following reports of a person in trouble in the sea between Nelson Road and Marine Parade West.

The boat launched into calm sea conditions and headed to the scene, where the casualty was recovered and taken to Martello Bay.

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Landed - The air ambulance at the lifeboat station in ClactonLanded - The air ambulance at the lifeboat station in Clacton (Image: RNLI/Mark Walsham)

A spokesman for Clacton RNLI said: “Our crews immediately started to employ their casualty care training administering CPR and oxygen.

“Shortly after, a volunteer crew member and qualified paramedic arrived upon the scene and assisted with additional emergency care using an AED device, continued CPR and support of the casualty’s airway

“Care continued to be provided for a number of minutes until the East of England Ambulance Service arrived on the scene, followed shortly afterwards by the Essex Air Ambulance.”

Specially qualified advanced paramedics from the air ambulance provided additional care to the person who was taken to Colchester Hospital.

Crews were stood down by the coastguard and returned to the station where the lifeboat was recovered, cleaned, refuelled and ready for service by 10am