AN internet provider is rolling out its new 1Gigabit broadband in Clacton... but has postponed plans to expand the service to Frinton.

Lit Fibre has been installing a10Gb capable network in the resort since December, replacing the old copper based network.

Homes in the south and east of the town will be the first to be able to order full fibre services, which are expected to deliver a more reliable service.

Work will also continue to expand the network to the rest of the town, with new homes being added over the coming months.

Tom Williams, chief executive of Lit Fibre, said: “We’re excited to be able to bring gigabit services to Clacton.

“We know how much the town has been suffering from poor broadband, being left behind by others who just talk of bringing better services here.

“Residents can now start to order symmetrical gigabit services and finally benefit from our reliable, consistent connections.”

Lit fibre said it has decided to postpone its works in Frinton to limit disruption from other fibre operators already building networks in the town.

Residents in Clacton will be able order 100Mb, 500Mb or 1Gb full-fibre broadband packages, starting from £23 a month.

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