BEAUMONT St Leonard's: Sunday 10.30am, united holy communion with St Mary's and St Edmunds, Rev Phillip Palmer. BRIGHTLINGSEA Baptist Church: Meet every Sunday for worship at 10.15am in the YMCA Hall in the High Street, Brightlingsea.

St Sabina's RC Church: Vigil mass, 6pm Saturdays. Weekday masses 9am Monday and Thursday. Sunday masses 10am St Monica's, Wivenhoe and 12.15pm University Chaplaincy, Essex University.

Spiritualist Movement: Evening of Clairvoyance every Tuesday, 7.30pm, at the Community Centre.

CLACTON St James' Church: Sunday 8am communion; sung mass 10am. Wednesday 10.30am. Details of these and other services and activities are on the porch noticeboard, or call the vicar Rev Anthony Spooner on 01255 422007.

Orthodox Church: Services are held on Sundays and feastdays. The times may vary. Please call 01255 473926 for all enquiries.

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Meeting for worship every Sunday 10.30am at the Meeting House, 26 Granville Road.

Healing Wave Spiritualist Church: Brotherhood Hall, St Osyth Road. Services with local and visiting mediums, Sundays 6.30pm. Healing Sanctuary Tuesdays 6.30pm.

RC Church of Our Lady of Light and St Osyth: Masses Saturday 6pm and Sunday 11am.

Christ Church (United Reformed): Thursday 1.30pm, celtic afternoon prayers. 2pm, drop-in coffee afternoon. Saturday 2pm wedding of Keith and Clare Pryke. Sunday 10.30am, morning worship and junior church, light refreshments after. 12.45pm, faith lunch. 1.45pm church meeting.

Christian Spiritualist Church: Saturday, 6.30pm, Keith Thompson. Sunday, 6.30pm, Alan Albiston. Monday, 2.15pm, Les Wells. Wednesday, 7pm open circle/tine bird. Healing services on Mondays at 4.15pm and Thursdays at 1pm.

Trinity Methodist Church: Friday, 9.45am - 11.45am coffee morning in aid of Motor Neurone Disease Association. Sunday, 10.30am morning worship led by Rev Paul R Howes, 6.30pm evening worship.

Pier Avenue Baptist Church: Saturday, coffee morning 9.30am. Sunday, morning worship 10.30am, speaker Shaun Fountain. Tuesday, coffee morning 10am, girls' brigade 6pm and 7.30pm. 7.30pm Norbert, men's study group and house groups. All tapes available from Charles Boyton on 01255 473720.

St Paul's Church: Sunday, eighth Sunday after trinity, 8am: Morning prayer (BCP), 10.30am: Combined service - worship for all. This replaces the 9.45am and 11am Services. Tuesday, 6.45pm: Compline in the Lady Chapel. There is no service on Wednesday. The next holy communion will be held August 22. Details of services may be found on the church's website at FRINTON Sacred Heart and St Francis Catholic Church: First mass Saturday 6pm and Sunday 8.30am.

Methodist Church: Sunday: Services at 11am and 6.30pm will be conducted by Rev Raymond Thompson and Rev Paul Howes respectively. All will be made welcome.

Parish Church: Sunday services in the main church at 8am with communion (BCP) followed at 9.30am by our family service which includes a thanksgiving. Morning prayer (BCP) at 11am. There are crèche facilities available and at 10.30am light refreshments are served. There will be no service in the Old Church at 6.30pm as at 6pm there is the opening service for Frinton Mission in the marquee on the Greensward. However, in the Old Church on August 1 at 11.30am is communion. Call 01255 679164 or Christian Science Church: Sunday, 11am, sermon on truth. Tuesday, 2.30pm - 4pm, reading room open. Wednesday, 3pm, testimony meeting. Free Church: Coffee will be served after the evening service in Oasis. For details of regular weekly activities call the church office on 01255 679585, sand an email to or visit the website where you will also find a link to the youth site, and the sports ministry site.

Gospel Chapel: Coastlands Community Church Frinton/Kirby: Congregation meets 10.30am every Sunday at Tendring Technology College, Frinton. On the first Sunday of each month our Walton congregation join us for a combined celebration. For more details contact our office on 01255 677223. GREAT BENTLEY St Mary's Church: Sunday 8am, holy communion (by extension) 9.30am, sung eucharist.

GREAT CLACTON Methodist Church: A warm welcome each Sunday at 11.15am. Church fellowship meeting Tuesdays 3pm. Friendship Hour, Wednesdays 2.30pm. Class meeting, alternate Fridays 7.30pm. Coffee mornings on Saturdays 10-11.30am. Youth activities during the week include Brownies Mondays 6.45pm, Rainbows Thursdays 4.45pm and boys' Brigade Wednesdays 5pm.

St John's Church: Sunday, 9am: Morning prayer in St John's Hall. 11am: Children's holiday club service. 6.30pm: Evening worship.

St Mark's Church: No service this week, see St John's Church.

GREAT HOLLAND Methodist Church: A welcome to all on Sunday mornings at 11am.

All Saints: No Sunday servidce - church joins St Michael's at Kirby for the service at 9.30am. Prayer time, Tuesday & Thursday, 9.30am.

HOLLAND ON SEA All Souls RC Church: Brighton Road: Sunday mass 9.30am.

St Bartholomew's Church: Frinton Road: Sunday 8am communion (BCP); 10am eucharist with Sunday school. Wednesday 10am communion. First Sunday of every month service at Little Holland Hall 2.30pm, holy communion.

Spiritualist Sanctuary: The medium for the 2.30pm divine service on Sunday at the Holland Public Hall will be Richard Harrison, spiritual healing by a registered healer/counsellor. For all enquiries call 01255 812282.

Methodist Church: Friday 9.30am, coffee pot. Sunday 10.30am, Mrs Grenfell-Essam.

Baptist Church: Sunday, 10.30am: Family service led by the Sunday Club team. Creche facilities available and refreshments afterwards. Evening service at 6.30pm conducted by David Bugg.

JAYWICK St Christopher's Church: Sunday holy eucharist 9am.

All Saints' RC Church: Union Road: Sunday mass 8am.

Community Methodist Church: Sunday, 10.30am morning worship led by Mrs Gill Bavister. KIRBY Kirby Cross Free Church: Sunday 11am, morning worship. Our family service is on the first Sunday of every month. All are welcome.

Evangelical Church: Sunday services of worship and Bible preaching 11am and 6.30pm. Thursday Bible study 7.30pm. Meetings for men, women and children of all ages during the week. Mr Brooks can be contacted on 01255 679715.

St Michael's: 8am holy communion. 9.30am combined service with friends from All Saints. Special guest speaker is Andy Smith on the World Mission. Children welcome, coffee served in church hall afterwards. 6pm, no evening service, we join the Frinton Mission Service in the marquee on the Greensward. Wednesday, holy communion, 9.30am. Church open for private prayer during daylight hours.

LITTLE BENTLEY St Mary's: Sunday 10.30am, united holy communion at St Leonards, Beaumont. Rev Phillip Palmer.

LITTLE CLACTON St James' Church: Sunday, united benefice service, 10am, evensong 6.30pm. Wednesday, holy communion, 10.30am.

Methodist Church: Sunday, 9.45am, service with M. Harrison.

TENDRING St Edmund's: Sunday 10.30am, united holy communion at St Leonards, Beaumont. Rev Phillip Palmer.

THORPE St Michael's Church: Sunday 8am mass; 10am parish mass; 6.30pm evening prayer. Monday 7pm mass; Tuesday 9am mass; Wednesday 7pm mass; Thursday 9.30am mass; Friday 12.30pm mass; Saturday 9.30am mass.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: meeting place Tendring Technology College. Sunday 10am-1pm.

Baptist Church: Sunday 10.30am, worship led by David Murray.

WALTON Coastlands Community Church: Meet at St George's Community Hall, Hall Lane, at 10am. On the first Sunday of each month the church joins with Frinton/Kirby congregation for a combined celebration at Tendring technology College, Frinton, at 10.30am. For further information, call the church office on 01255 677223.

Homelands Free Church: Garden Road: Warm welcome Sunday services. Meet at 11am and 6.30pm. Prayer meeting each Sunday at 6pm. The children's and young people's clubs meet at 11am. Furtheir details can be found at All Saints Parish Church: Sunday, 8am holy communion, 10.30am, morning worship with facilities provided for pre-school children, also primary and secondary school age groups, and a young people's group. 4pm evensong. Wednesday, 10.15am holy communion.

WEELEY St Andrew's Church: No services on Sunday, united service at Little Clacton at 10am.

Methodist Church: Sunday, 9.30am, service with Pastor David Bavister.