THE Sunshine Coast’s beaches are being invaded .... by giant jellyfish the size of dustbin lids.

Amanda and Paul Bassett came face to face with the marine monsters as they went for a weekend stroll along the sands.

“We were just going for a walk along the West Beach by the Martello tower and that’s where we saw them,” said teaching assistant Amanda, 50.

“We first spotted them on Saturday, and on Sunday there were even more.

“The first one was really round and the size of a dustbin lid, with four or five tentacles, and there was another one like that on Sunday.

“Then there was a smaller version and another one with huge tentacles which was slightly different.”

Amanda and Paul have lived on the nearby Martello estate for 12 years and often go for romantic walks along the sands.

Clacton and Frinton Gazette:

  • Amanda and Paul Bassett spotted the giant jellyfish on Clacton's West beach

They often see jellyfish washed up on the sands, but not as large as last weekend’s monsters.

And the gelatinous giants aren’t just washing up in Clacton.

Gazette reader Ann Middleton snapped a photo of one on Walton Beach.

“It was about 14 inches in diameter,” said Ann, of Rochford Way, Walton. “I hope it got back into the sea.”

Clacton and Frinton Gazette:

  • Another of the monster jellyfish on Clacton beach