HUNDREDS of people have signed a petition calling for a disabled riding school to be saved.

Foots Farm Riding School, in Clacton, has been forced to close because the landowners want to build more than 100 homes on the site.

The centre, which teaches children and disabled people to ride, has been based in Thorpe Road for almost 20 years.

But its lease runs out at the end of the month and is not being renewed.

Michelle Miller, of nearby Homerton Close, has launched a campaign to save the centre.

Daughter Danielle Haygreen, 21, learned to ride at Foots Farm and persuaded her mum to rehome two of the stables’ ponies to save them.

Michelle has also been collecting signatures for her petition outside the farm.

“People are so annoyed about what’s going on,” she said.

“Even little old ladies who can hardly walk have been crossing the road to put their names on the petition.

“Everyone is up in arms about it. The horses have got to be off by the end of the month, but they are very old and I don’t know if they will survive the move.

“My daughter rode them when she was five and she’s 21 now.

“She said we couldn’t let them go for slaughter just because the builders are coming, so we are taking in two of the ponies.”

Carer Michelle has lived near the riding school for 25 years and fears the new homes will have a devastating impact on local wildlife.

Almost 2,000 people have signed the petition in three weeks.

She added: “I work with people with disabilities and there aren’t many facilities like this around here so we have to try to save it.

“A couple who stopped to sign the petition said their grandson used to ride here on a regular basis and was devastated by what is happening – it’s heartbreaking.

“I have been amazed at the number of cars that have stopped.

“People in the area think it’s disgusting that this is being allowed to happen.”