THERE are fears a long-awaited dialysis unit for Tendring may not go ahead after years of delays.

The specialist treatment centre was originally due to open in Clacton in 2010.

But it has been repeatedly delayed, leaving patients having to travel to Colchester, Ipswich, Chelmsford or Basildon several times a week for the vital treatment.

Now NHS bosses say the plans may be shelved altogether.

They say advances in technology mean many patients can treat themselves in their own homes.

The news shocked MP Douglas Carswell, who had criticised the delays.

“I’m very surprised to hear about this possible change of plan,” said the Conservative MP.

“We were told we would have a specialist unit here, and at no point have we received an indication to the contrary.

“I will look forward to hearing the details when I discuss this with the NHS.”

In April 2011, the NHS said the new dialysis unit, in Kennedy Way, Clacton, would be open within a year.

Adrian Marr, director of resources at NHS North Essex, now says they want to provide renal services as locally as possible for people.

“The original idea of having a dialysis unit in Kennedy Way in Clacton has moved on with the advances in technology, but it could be a good location for technical back-up and training,” he said.

“The good news is that medical technology has moved on a great deal in this field and it is now possible to offer more renal dialysis for patients at home, if that is right for them clinically and personally.

“We expect to see many more patients receiving home dialysis next year.”