PENSIONERS have been urged to lobby parliament in a bid to increase fuel allowance.

Tendring Pensioners’ Action Group (Tenpag) said retired residents across the district are worried they cannot afford to heat their homes.

Campaigner Gordon Beare said soaring fuel bills are causing elderly people to think twice about putting heating on.

Gordon Beare, Tenpag secretary, said: “We are all worried about what heating we can afford to put on.

“It’s the length of the spell of cold weather that is another concern.

“We are certainly feeling it, especially those who are quite inactive.

“The only advice we can give is to get onto the Government to increase the fuel allowance.

“I’m not at the bottom rung but I’m worried about putting the heating on - I’ve got an extra pullover on today.

“I went to the minor injuries unit at Clacton hospital and it was lovely and warm, it would be a good idea to get a book and sit in their all day.”

Mr Beare, 79, campaigned earlier this year for winter fuel payments for 60 to 79-year-olds to be increased from £250 to £450.

Recent figures suggested there was a seven per cent jump in extra deaths in England and Wales last year despite a relatively mild winter.

The Office for National Statistics said there were an extra 25,300 deaths from December 2007 to March 2008 compared with the average for non-winter months.

Clacton and Harwich MP Douglas Carswell said helping older folk in Tendring caught out by the rapid increase in fuel prices is his priority in the new Parliamentary term.

"Tendring pensioners need government help to meet the high cost of heating," said Mr Carswell.

"Now we've had our first really cold spell of the winter, I know that a lot are starting to struggle.

“The bills keep going up - but many are on fixed incomes and so find it really tough.”

He has asked the Minister responsible what action is being taken to make sure no pensioner in Tendring finds themselves unable to pay their heating bills, for an update on the eradication of fuel poverty by 2010 and what steps are being taken to help pensioners meet rising costs.